Anal fistula is an infection of bacteria that causes pus in the anus, which forms a tunnel between the inside and outside the anus.
A state in which pus accumulates around the anus is called anal abscess. When this state progresses and pus is discharged from tunnels, it is called anal fistula.
In the stage of anal abscess, there is a throbbing pain due to purulence and a high fever of 38℃-39℃.
Discharge of accumulated pus relieves the symptoms. However, pus tunnels are formed, and pus may be discharged after that.
It occurs when stool enters a small dent called an anal crypt next to the dentate line due to diarrhea, etc. and is purulent by infection with bacteria such as Escherichia coli in stool. Stool usually does not enter in the dent, but when diarrhea occurs, stool easily enters into the dent.
In the event of anal fistula, do not warm the affected area. Purulence spreads and the affected area worsens. In the event of anal fistula, cool the anus.