Check your stool condition with the "Bristol Stool Form Scale"! What is "just the right stool"?

Check your stool condition with the "Bristol Stool Form Scale"! What is "just the right stool"?

Do you know the global standard of stool: “Bristol Stool Form Scale”? 1, 2)

“Bristol Stool Form Scale” is the global standard used to describe your stool conditions. This standard was established by Bristol University in the U.K. in 1997 and classifies the condition of “stool” based on its color and shape. This global standard helps doctors to objectively evaluate the stool shape of patients and to conduct a medical interview smoothly. As you can check it by yourself, it is helpful to understand your own health condition. What type does your stool correspond to?

Bristol Stool Form Scale

Hard stools, as seen in 1 and 2 above, may split the anus open or damage the anus by hard stools passing through the area when you attempt to force a bowel movement.
On the other hand, stools that are too soft like 6 and 7 seem less stressful for the anus. However, the anus may be damaged when stool rapidly passes through it, or bacterial infection may occur when bacteria enter through the area. 3), 4) Just emptying your bowels is not sufficient. To avoid stress on the anus, it is important to maintain a soft-stool condition to some degree. Bear in mind to empty your bowels after keeping your stool condition at the hardness levels of 3 to 5 in the Bristol Stool Form Scale. 5), 6)

What should you do to get your stool condition close to the scales of 3 to 5? How to recover from constipation and diarrhea

Lifestyle is important in order to improve your stool condition to the hardness levels of 3 to 5 in the Bristol Stool Form Scale. To soften hard stools or to make soft stools moderately harder, try to develop the following habits.

Habits to soften 1 or 2 level hard stools:
[1] Try to eat a diet rich in dietary fiber
[2] Take fermented foods such as yogurt or supplements
[3] Drink much water
[4] Perform moderate exercises
[5] Massage the abdomen (abdominal wall), etc.

Habits to make soft stools at a 6 or 7 level moderately hard:
[1] Regular lifestyle
[2] Have meals 3 times daily, and avoid snacks.
[3] Perform moderate exercises
[4] Avoid fat and oil, spices, carbonated beverages, alcohol consumption, etc.

Although you may not be very much aware of your stool's hardness and shape unless there is an extreme change, they are important points related to the health of your anus. Why do you not live in a manner as to be a little conscious of your stool condition daily?

1) Research Group of The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology, Study Group for Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Constipation: Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Constipation 2017: 2017
2)Lacy, B.E. et al: Gastroenterology, 150: 1393, 2016.

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